Thursday 10 October 2013

Oh sweet Pepita

I went to my other regular knitting event, evening knitting at the Strathcona County Library and I even managed to make it on desert night. They were part of the light thing too.  They give me so much.  

Desert night is, where after the library closes at nine, we sneak into a restaurant in the same building and have tea and something from their selection of great deserts.  Its a lovely elegant little place, and it is just such a nice way to finish an evening with some good friends.  It is one of my favourite things to do.

So what did I knit on these back to my knitting group times?  Well, I had thought to knit on  Viajante, with its ever so simple shape but in the end, Pepita shouted louder.  Plus, the young miss that it is meant for, is growing so rapidly that I absolutely must get it to her now.

  As you see, the feet are almost done.  I have just passed the heel turn on sock two so it won't take long to finish.  I think I am going to go find a white onesie or white shirt for her to wear with it.  It still needs some buttons too but so close to done, I can taste it.  

Then I just have to get it over to her mommy so that she can wear it!

1 comment:

Sandra said...


I need a baby in my life so I can make this...