Friday 18 May 2012

Back in the Garden

Way back in the mists of time there was a song with that title.  Crosby Stills and Nash.  There are several versions on Youtube if you need to check.  This is neither here nor there, but last night I was truly, back in the garden.

I love my garden.  I love the end result.  I love having stuff in my freezer all winter long.  I love bringing stuff up and knowing these were planted by my hand and picked, and stored and to my table without the intervention of any major corporations.  I love the idea of growing my own food, taking care of something so fundamental just me and whatever weather should happen my way.  It pleases me in  every way.

But you know, gardening sucks.  It is very, very hard work.  At this scale, it is between you and a hoe and the ground, or you and a watering can and the ground, but it is all hard work.  And it will continue to be hard work all summer.  With me back working full time, its going to get a little hairy.  When will I get it all weeded?  When will I pick and freeze my peas?  Make pickles?  Pick berries?  Tend to my knitting?

The way I figure it, I will be doing a lot of garter stitch this summer, and a lot of small projects.  That works out ok with the grandbaby coming.  Babies are all about small things.   Wee socks.  Tiny caps.  Itty bitty sweaters.  Little things with feet that are so sweet you just want to snuggle them even without a baby in them.

But I also know that once the garden has been completely planted, which barring rain, will be finished this weekend, I have a couple weeks of open time before things need weeding.  There is always the week or so where you can't do anything because it isn't up yet and another week where you have to let it grow a bit till you can thin it out and weed in the rows (Should they need it.  My garden will need it.).  Free time and I hope to get in one more sweater before the sweater knitting for me must be put aside. 

The question is which one.  It has to be something simple enough that I can speed through the knitting like a house on fire.  It has be be interesting enough to want to keep me at it.  The debate rages on, with at least 2 different yarns and 3 to 4 patterns in contention.  I am really waffly about one.  It is kind of like Miss Congeniality in a pageant show.  She is good and nice, but her chances of winning are slim.  And yet...

I'll run through them over the weekend and try to make a decision for Monday.

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