Tuesday 17 April 2012

I really planned to have a sleeve finished.  It isn't going to happen today.  

I seem to have picked up a throat something or other. Or tonsil something or other. I don't think I am contagious, but if I am, and the ladies at knitting come down with something... well, my bad.  Oops.

I'm going to bed now.

And up again.  Feeling a lot better after 11 pretty solid hours of sleep.  I knit for a bit this morning before I had to get ready for work.  One of the pretty new from the stash sock yarns.  I'll show it to you tomorrow if my head is functioning.

There is also slow progress on the sweater sleeve.  It looks like it matches gauge with the re-knit body.  I'm not actually going to measure it mind. That would take effort I don't think I have right now. I'm just going to close my eyes and pray.  I figure the worst would be that I have to knit it again and the best will be that it works.  I'm aiming high and blindly hoping for the best.  

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