Thursday 12 January 2012

Happy Mail Day!

I have done a little online ordering lately.  And a little local yarn shopping (but that was for my birthday) .  OK, OK, it has been yarn accidents left right and center here at Chez Needles.

But some of it wasn't yarn just happy accidents.  This is one of the happy accidents.

 I managed to scarf one of 6 copies of the brand new Haapsalu Scarf  by Suri Reimann and Aime Edasi.  I just happened to visit (who are now out of stock) when they just had the book up on their website.  And the timing was perfect.  I had just earned a $50 certificate too.  And it looks like a gem of a shawl book from my quick skim just after I got home.  And scarves only in their eyes.  Scarves in relation to the very large sized full square Haapsalu shawl.

I'll tell you about some of my other adventures as they come in.  But till then, I'll be busy reading and thinking and planning my hear out  

and knitting plain black socks and a garter stitch shawl.  No way can I read the book and knit on my pretty mittens at the same time.

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

Dangerous stuff that online shopping.