Wednesday 15 June 2011

Not knitting

I didn't get to a whole lot of knitting yesterday.  My FIL is visiting and I ferry him wherever he wants to go.  He doesn't go much, so it isn't a big deal, but even though I have been sitting around a lot, I cannot seem to get in any volume knitting time.

Yesterday was complicated by the nicest thing.  

Several weeks ago, I met an older fellow at the library.  He noticed my spinning wheel, and asked if I might have a need for some fibre.  We talked, I gave him my number and let it be.  His wife called yesterday, so I went by to check it out.  

It's a lot of fibre, ready to spin or quilt and it was an incredibly generous offer for a very nicely prepared fibre.

100% Suffolk fibre, 100% locally grown near Hay Lakes Alberta, locally processed, lovely sheepy goodness.  Now where the heck do I put it all?**

**I have this figured out.  At friends houses! :)

1 comment:

Sandra said...

that is very cool...