Tuesday 17 May 2011

Dear Ishbel

Dear Ishbel,

I loved knitting your plain stockinette part.  Your increases filled me with delight.  The cool green mottled yarn was meant for you.  

And then I met your charts. Ishbel, you are driving me batty.  Knit one row, take it out.  Knit tow rows, take it out because the first row is wrong, only it looked like it was ok after the knitting. Reknit a whole section because you aren't sure.  

These are just variations of what I have been doing while knitting amongst your charts, and Ishbel, I am not happy. I have already knit each chart, except chart C several times.  I am seriously thinking about reknitting chart C, because I have one too many stitches on one side and one too few on the other and it matters.

I think that is the problem, Ishbel.  You require perfection and I struggle with it.  You require counting to 2, and I struggle with that too.

I will devote this one last day to you without resenting it.  Some might call you a speedy knit.  Two evenings at moms, plus a morning of charted agony. A good hearty day of slogging through charts here at home.  Not too bad, though, if you would knit up peacefully, with 'gentlemen like manners', I might still consider you speedy.  

I look forward to finishing you.  I can't wait to see your pretty little lace blocking.  I know I am going to love your yarn against my skin. But Ishbel, if you could just see it clear to granting me a little grace, so I could get through the rest of you without issue, you would be a whole lot more delightful than I currently find you.  

With respect,

Your knitter.  

You granted grace.  This morning found I could count to 2!  Isn't it funny how that happens.


Sandra said...

counting to three is always my downfall. Pattern repeats of three will always get me...

Mrs.Spit said...

This is where I start threatening the hall closet. . .

Brendaknits said...

Driving you 'crazy nuts' I bet.