Thursday 24 June 2010

Twilights Call

Sometimes, in the long twilights of a prairie summer solstice, the air is filled with choirs of coyotes.  One den will call and from not far away another will answer.  Coyote song is layers and harmonies and echoes. clinging to the forest edges.  

Sometimes, at far mountain lakes, the evening is filled with the haunting call of the loon. The sound ripples over the water and enters hidden corners of your heart and fills you with the wonder.

Sometimes twilight is filled with far thunder.  The low dissonance hints at something cavernous building in the silent evening sky.  Uncontrolled energy grows into deep rumbles as clouds move closer. Rain starts slowly, firm plops that become an urgent rush, a crescendo of thunder and rain insistently hitting the hard ground.  After the first rush of rain, if you are lucky, the sound softens to the gentle patter of soft drops falling and quenching the thirsty soil.   

I love this time of year when open windows let you fall asleep to twilights call.


Jenny said...

How absolutely beautiful and poetic.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful writing. GD

Brenda said...

What a perfect poetic picture your words paint.