Friday 28 March 2008


I admit to a fondness for Yiddish. Yiddish says thing that are inexpressible in any other language. Verklempt, utterly verklempt.

I spent most of yesterday with a friend who went over the basics with me. I watched her spin. I did it in front of her. Voila. A massive improvement in the product I make. Mr. Needles changed my bottom whorl spindle, to a top whorl spindle after watching her with some of beautiful spindles a couple weeks ago, and its so much easier. I left the all thumbs feeling all behind. She helped me rfine my drafting technique. I was close on my own, but close does not make good yarn. This isn't even good yarn.
What it is is decent beginner yarn. And I am very pleased with that.

1 comment:

Logan said...

Very decent beginner yarn. Very, very decent. Good going!