Tuesday 18 June 2024

The State of Things

There was knitting between chores yesterday so no sewing. 

I am always fascinated how you cast on with needles and string and form an anomalous blob and you knit a bit and do a few things and all of a sudden...sweater.  

I had a lovely day yesterday watching vlogs, one of which is the Fat Squirrel Speaks on Youtube.  These are for her.

These are pages from Gnomes, a book that has long been part of my library.  For you, Mary Beth to ease your heart as you have eased mine.

This is what I have been up to this morning.  I didn't even have a hot cup of coffee yet.  I did have a cold cup though. 

I got so involved in searching out colour numbers for my sister Kathy's project I forgot I had it.

And I am not finished yet.  I have to go through a few more boxes to find colours that may not be filed properly.

It has always been interesting to me how crafts ebb and flow in peoples lives.  Sometimes people follow what looks interesting and it is what your friends are doing.  Sometimes it is because for some indefinable reason, you are compelled to do a craft and nothing makes you want to stop.  It becomes part of who you are.  I have done many things in my life but knitting is my home.  I still love all the other things, but knitting is my home.  For most, the ebb and flows continue and you find pleasure doing whatever craft strikes you at the moment. Or maybe you run or read or bake or play hockey.  There is no right or wrong of it.  Finding peace in our day is the important bit.

I knit.  It is the state of me. 

And because the state of me, at this particular moment in time is that I need a hot coffee, I am going to go do that.  

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