Monday 10 June 2024


What a great knitting weekend!

My hands are healed but I am taking it easy.  I am knitting on the cotton for a bit and then switching to the Silky Wool and I am stopping for the day when they are tired.  So far, so fair.

I made another full repeat of the stripe pattern and by days end I ought to be to sleeve separation.  

Progress doesn't show up as much on the Silky Wool top but there is progress.

Also in the bottom right corner, you can just see the first Tolsta Tee.  I am wearing it this morning again.  I really love everything about this top.  Yarn choice was great, fit is great, and wearability as a topper over dresses or alone as a tee is superb.  

I even did a try on of my first self drafted skirt, the one I am testing for fit with an old sheet.  I had not touched it for a week, chicken that I am.  It isn't too bad, though I will have to make a few adjustments.  That was expected.  I am really looking forward to trying a full skirt on the black cotton as a wearable toile.  If it works that is.  And then to a few skirts and maybe another dress or two.  And some tops.

I have a fabric stash as well as a yarn stash and honestly, it is the most wonderful thing to know that when I am tired and cranky and not interested my wardrobe that I can sir down and make something new, knitted or sewn.  It is so much more fun than shopping. There is the thrill of wearing something new but also the thrill of making.  It is so satisfying.

Even though today is laundry and chore day, I feel as if I am a kid, bounding off to explore the world. And I will be as soon as I make myself another cup of coffee.

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