Saturday 8 June 2024

A Saturday morning

Before F1 race stuff starts I am watching a documentary on what life was life in ancient Rome presented by Mary Beard.  She makes Roman history so accessible.  You can see the passion she has for the subject light her face and I love that.  

While I am doing that, I am also dealing with this.  

The back of my green Elton sweater made with Fleece Artist BFL2/8.  Looks good.

Thr front.  Not so good.  My first thought when I pulled it out was hey, that's not too bad.  Yes it has been worse.  Much worse.  So far this has been the fuzziest thing I ever made but then, that is the nature of of soft spun yarns.  I picked it off a bit a few weeks ago and knew it needed a proper defuzzing.

A proper defuzzing later, it looks great.  Let's give it some scale.

This is after the ball has been well squished. 

I use a d-fuzz it comb, a nifty little thing that is cheap and works well.  They last well, though not forever.  

I don't usually worry too much about fuzzing.  Most of my sweaters don't fuzz too badly, and since it usually just me, it isn't a big deal.  But some sweaters are worth keeping them tidy looking.  This Elton sweater is one of my most worn things.  I simply love it. 

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