Thursday 2 May 2024

Finished Things!

Finished things! I want to run around and shout because of finished things! 

Yesterday while pondering if I wanted to redo the kitty body, I was doing a bit of reading through patterns and one of them said ' If you can make a ball, you can make this'.  I have never crocheted a ball so I thought maybe it's time.

I have no idea how to actually make a ball.  Most of my crochet, ok, all of my crochet has been flat, not structural.  I made baskets once but still.  I used the pattern A Large Fluffy Stress Ball by Maegatrons Market, a free on Ravelry and made only one change.  With the Blanket yarn, I found I needed to use eight stitches to make the right shape at the start.  Six stitches would have been great if you wanted a football.  That probably has more to do with my tension and personal crochet gauge than anything else. I stuffed it with what I had on hand, ahem, the remainders of the yarn from last years blankets.  

I decided to just keep going on the kitty.  This is just the test kitty and I wanted to see it all complete.

I am thrilled.

I did make a few mods on this kitty.  I shortened the legs by one round and I made the tail differently.  I used a simple 20 stitch chain (or 14.  I can't remember) and then slipped stitch back.  It gave his wee tail the littlest bit of curl naturally.

Because of the yarn choice he is about 8 inches long without the tail.  Its a really cute pattern and now I have to do it again with Marcus' yarn for a kitty that looks like his beloved Casper.

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