Wednesday 1 May 2024

Kitty, Day Two

The kitty continues.  

It looks just the smallest bit gruesome at this point. (It may be influenced by the book I am reading.  Very good but hard in a psychological thriller/mystery sort of way rather than my usual cozy mystery) I need to redo the fist leg.  It is too long so I will take out one row and I want to redo to make it sit a nicer angle to the body.  

The pattern I am using is the Mittens the Realistic Cat.  I would link to the website but the website is so full of ads that you cannot see any content.  And now I am going to have to get the powers that be to run a virus thingy on my laptop.  

With respect to the designer.  I do not have her permission but considering her website...

The pattern is really sweet and according to her Ravelry page, the designer has a lot of nice little things. This pattern is only recently released and has no makes yet but I will give it a go.  I am struggling with the way the pattern is written but that is most likely because I learned to crochet eons ago and my familiarity with terms and processes is not quite how patterns are written today.  I will insert a dadgummit and plea age. 

She gives a stitch count for each row but my counts are not matching.  This doesn't bother me at all and the shapes are coming out as the pattern, which is heavily photographed, seems to be.  The leg holes look different and I figured out why just now as I was writing. It will mean going back to redo much of the body, but I am okay with that.

This whole kitty is a test kitty anyway so I am not bothered by it.  Plus, I know what to do instead.  Someone has to make a thing first and post it publicly so it may as well be me.  

In the mean time, I made a little funny for Marcus.   

Cat slippers for his kitty Mochi.  

Insert loony grandmotherly laughter here. Bahahahaha

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