Monday 6 May 2024


One of the last steps making the kitty, was to embroider his nose, eyes and mouth as well as to mark his toes.  I needed a finer black yarn so I was off to search in the leftovers bin.  I found what I wanted, but then something magical happened.

One of the first things I saw in the bin was this lovely yarn.  It is RCYs Adam and Eve in the Bird of Paradise colourway.  When I bought it, I had hoped that the colours would be closer because I wanted to make a fun summer top but you can just see the dye bath exhaust through the skeins.  I didn't know it at the time, but it was the last of the yarn they had so it was what it was.  Most of it was the strong clear colours but two balls were quite different in tone.  It wouldn't do quite what I wanted. That can happen with hand dyes.  I used some of it for a hood and wrist warmers for Olga and I knew there would be lots of things I could do with the rest.

Sitting right beside it in the bin was some griege yarn.

There were five balls left after making a tunic with it a few years ago.  It is listed as green but reads as the greyest of greens ever.  It is such a wonderfully neutral green and beside the bright colours of the Bird of Paradise, it was stunning.  Magic.

I had to knit with both.  The need consumed me so I cast on a Tolsta Tee.  My stripe sequence is set to use as little of the griege as I can get away with.  I have tons of the multi colour but not so much of the griege. 

And I just knit and knit.  It is a lot of fun.  My hope is that by knitting something striped, the hue changes will matter less and be the perky colour that I need right now.  So far I love it.  The hues just don't look close to what is in front of me. It does not photograph particularly well but in real life, yummy yummy, yummy. I hope to be able to do solid greige for the cuffs and bottom ribbing.  I would like to pretend that it is my main colour and the stripes the accent.  I want a griege t shirt with coloured stripes and not the other way around.   

Sometimes you might have plans for knitting.  Sometimes the plans don't happen and you follow an different path.  It's okay.  It is your knitting after all and there are no knitting police.

And in case you were wondering where the kitty went, it went to my Owen who claimed both ball and kitty right out of the mystery box.  

And now on to a couple more kittys and much more work on the striped tee. 

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