Tuesday 16 April 2024

Getting There

I have made thee pairs of socks in 2024.  That equals the number of pairs that I completed last year. So far, it hasn't taken much of an effort to get socks going or to finish them.  I have managed to complete each pair without a lot of effort and it has been the usual sort of fun that socks are to me.

But lately, socks have not been on my radar at all.  It isn't that I am not interested in socks.  Not at all.  I remain a deeply devoted sock knitter and wearer.  It is just that there are so many other ideas and knits that are in my head it is hard to find the sock corner.

I am going to go back to the basics and knit seven and three each day till I get Aprils sock done 

and get Mays sock under way.

Just ten rows a day.  That will do it.  And then maybe some Monkey Socks.  

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