Monday 29 April 2024

Brilliant Yellow Things

This is a very behind sort of morning.  My roomie is on vacation and I mean to leave him sleep in. I may have taken that farther than I planned today because by the clock and the standards of my usual day, I am two cups of coffee behind.

I found it a bit too much for my hands to work on the Linger sweater and though I spent a whole day trying to sort out the next step on the top I am working on (setting up for sleeves and hip line increases), the math defeated me.  I cannot count. Math?  My nemesis.  I will defeat it but I needed something as a balm for my wounded ego. 

The balm for that wound needed to be something bright a shiny and lovely.  Luckily I have just the thing on my needles.    

This brilliant yellow made me feel so much better.  

The yarns are from Arcane Fibre Works  , an Alberta dyer with the most brilliant multi colours on the market and semi solids that compare in sheer vibrancy.  The two I have here are Sun Yellow and Prairie Storm. I think.  I am not going to double check because they have tons of multi colours but I urge you to check them out.

The pattern is by a Danish knitter and writer who is no longer selling the pattern.  I had it in my deep computer stash because I knit one a good long time ago.  It was one of my favourite things to wear and I am looking forward to having it in my wardrobe again.  I love those little pops of colour between the brilliant semi solid yellow.

I have a bunch of things to do today and with the late start on all the things, it is time to get a move on it. More knitting?  You bet.

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