Friday 2 February 2024

Step one of finishing this sweater is done.  

The bottom hem is complete.  All that remains is the cuff trim on both sleeves.  Cross your fingers for good knitting today.  

Updated to add

I am watching the sky to the northwest this morning.  When I finished writing the blog, I came and the band of cloud at that horizon was a very dainty sort of pink and a gentle grey blue.  As I watched, it turned a brighter, cleaner, more vibrant pink and a stronger blue.  That blue has shifted to a dusty lavender and is slowly sifting away into grey clouds while that pink is ever more intense.  The sky above that band of clouds is almost blue.  It is between the colour of early morning and the bright clear blue of a winter day.  As I write the band of clouds at the horizon has lost its blue and lavender and has become a gentle hazy pink.  The higher clouds have a hint of coral starting to show, and the far away snow covered fields are suffused in rose coloured light.  It's fading now, into the reality of morning and chores and the regular world, but what a show. 

I think a show is out there just waiting to be seen most mornings, but we usually miss it as we start our regular days.  Getting into the car with kids, lunches, school bags, pets, thinking of the busy day ahead.   Our normal routines occupy us and consume our attention and we miss the glory that is.  

I will be thinking of this morning all day.  I am filled with wonder and contentment. What a world.

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