Tuesday 30 January 2024

Not trendy but...

The last few days have been unsettled. Everything in the greater world is as settled as usual, but inside my head, I am like a squirrel gathering nuts.  I pop here.  I pop there and jump up and down going  no where at all, yet on it goes.  I just can't seem to settle.  Is it winters depths that are getting to me?  I do know that I am watching the sky with eagerness and delight, watching the sun come up ever earlier and the days grow ever longer. 

Between chores yesterday a bit of knitting was done.  

The back of my neck flap is well under way.  I had a one full skein and a third of another so I can make these front and back flaps nice and cozy long.  

I was looking at patterns for these dickie type cowls.  Some narrow and are longer at the front and others are longer at the back.  I was thinking about making them even, but when I think about ways I might use this type of cowl, there could be some benefit to having a longer front.  

I know that I want the back long enough to stay firmly tucked under a sweater neckline and to be long enough to cover that spot that often feels chilly at the back of my neck. I am not so concerned about warmth at the front but I do want it to stay tucked in under sweater collars and to look reasonably decent.  Come to think of it, it is a dickie so maybe looks are not such an issue to me after all.  

People have not worn dickies since I was quite young. Mid to late 60s if I recall rightly.   Since then, they have been mocked and nothing more than a fashion faux pas.  Same for ponchos, though ponchos may have had a very short time being cool some time in the eighties.  We are redid ponchos in the last few years and here we are, redoing dickies.  I am going to call it a cowl though.  Sounds more stylish. 

I jest.  This blog is not and never has been in style or on trend. If there is any style or trendiness happening here, it is a complete surprise to me. 

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