Friday 26 January 2024

It takes my breath away

I spent the whole day working on Utikiek.  The pattern is not cooperating. Well, it isn't the pattern.  That is well designed.  It's my brain.  I am not so sure my brain is capable of dong stitch patterns.  It's like counting to two.  Some days, that is hard.  This band of colour is a very dark wine coloured brown and I am struggling to read the pattern in it.  I ended up knitting a sampler strip of the pattern just so I had something to refer to, to check if I was doing the right stitches, in the right order. I knit all day, but ended the day with not a lot to see.  

And then Keith came home with the mail.  I love mail day.  I wasn't expecting it till at least next week, so I was kind of thrilled.  Who wouldn't be?  This is the third time I have ordered single skeins of the Kelp colourway from Midknit Cravings and it is the third time that the skeins are really well matched.  

There are so few rows left, but I am going to pull back a few rows and knit from the old and the new to blend them in just in case.  And then, only the cuffs.

And then this.  This is my treat.  The unplanned for sweater, but the very much wanted sweater.  I saw Ysolda Teague's Anyday Sweatshirt a while ago, and knew I was going to knit it.  I assumed I would make it from one of the many yarns n my stash, till I was ordering that last skein of Kelp.  Then I fell hard for the London Fog colourway and here we are, a new special something, waiting in the wings. 

London Fog is hard to describe.

It is the colour of weathered wood and the barns and grainaries of my Saskatchewan farm roots.  It is all the colours of fall in the small stand of trees at the side of the yard with the hidden opening in the center, where I used to love to sit and read. It is the colours of bark, old leaves on the ground, faded moss, the warm reds and ambers of the underbrush. It is the colour of my best memories.  

The casual simple clean lines of the Anyday Sweatshirt are the perfect match for London Fog. And I am gong to knit it soon.  Right after I finish the other umpteenth projects I have in my WIPS bin.  I promised myself.  

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