Friday 3 November 2023

Pondering Socks. Again.

The thing about finishing a pair of socks and looking for any other socks to work on is that it creates a problem.

For the very first time in my life I am pondering ripping back a sock completely because I  am not happy with how I am making it.  

My go to response to anyone who actually does this routinely and hates doing it but feels bad if they don't do it is  "It's a sock".  No one will ever notice what you feel is a problem when it is on your feet."  And it is true.  No knitter ever has been stopped, as they are walking down the street wearing their socks,  by some random person saying "your heel graft isn't stockinette all the way", or "your toes are a different stitch count" ( 12 vs 13)." or "even your lace stitch is one yarn over out" (till you fix it to keep the pattern or course).    If your sock is technically right and fits reasonably, no one will ever notice it unless you point it out.

No one will know, unless it bugs you.  It has never ever bugged me before.  

However on this sock with its pretty lace pattern, it bugs me.  When the pattern is knit to the book, the lace design is as it is at the top of the sock.  When it is knit with my errors happening, it looks like near the toe.    

Neither will affect the wear of the sock.  The thing is that I will probably look at them each time I wear them and think, "yeah I should have done this like..."  just the same way that I sigh and say "I really love handknit socks" when I slip on a really great pair.  The question on this pair of socks is will the former outweigh the latter question or will the latter outweigh the former?  Sigh.

This is why I write this blog.  To work out these great questions about really little things in my mind.  As I sit here writing, I realize just how much of a luxury this is.  I realize just how privileged I am to be able to spend a hint of energy and time caring what a small column of stitches look like on this sock.    

I think I will keep them as is.  They will be a reminder to add to those other questions I say to myself when I put them on, "I am an incredibly lucky a person to have enough time, enough warmth, enough safety to care."         

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