Thursday 14 September 2023

Working on the Do of the Thing.

Remember the Do of the thing I talked about the other day?  It is time to make that happen.

Yes the long johns will be finished today and the fit test will get done, but there is some other stuff that needs to happen right now.  

I made two long sleeved flannel shirts late last winter/ early spring.  The plan was to have them ready for fall and here it is, suddenly the middle of September.  

They are ready to wear and there is nothing wrong with them, only I hate the long sleeves.  I really hate them.  The plan was that I could wear them rolled up casually for working around the house and down when it was chilly.  There is suh a difference between casual in my mind and what really happened. The times I wore them over spring and  summer, I found the sleeves supremely irritating.  They did not stay up well and when they did, there was always something flapping at my elbow. When they were down, my dpns kept getting caught up in the cuffs, interfering with my knitting. My plan is to get rid of of the cuff and shorten the sleeve to a good 3/4 length.  I am going to narrow the sleeve a bit too and finish off with a simple hem. I am pretty confident that once those changes are made, the shirts will get a lot of wear.

Then there is this dress.  

This is made of a beautiful cotton, but heavier and more tightly woven than most of the cotton I sew with.  The end result is a dress that is great to wear in cool weather, but is a bugger to wash because the gathered skirt makes the whole thing almost too heavy for my wee tiny laundry machines.  I love everything about it, but I avoid wearing it because of that.  I am aiming for a lighter  simpler skirt with a pleat in the back to allow for my generous hips. And pockets.  This time, there will be pockets.

There is another dress I will probably adapt but I am not sure I will get to it today.  It is going to depend on my thumb.  Somedays it has been remarkably good and some days not so much. One step at a time.

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