Tuesday 5 September 2023


I am slowly going crazy, 1,2,3,4,5,6 switch.  Slowly am I crazy going, 6,5,4,3,2,1 switch.

Absolutely no doing anything this weekend.  It was long and torturous, but my two inflamed joints and the nerves are feeling a lot better. Another day or two till I can resume my usual work.  I did try sewing a bit but I found that the stretch needed for this part of the work was too much for my hands so there was none of that. The only thing that kept me even remotely sane was reading.  I am working my way through the Daisy Dalrymple's again and have only the last two novels in the series remaining.   

The only other thing of significance that happened was that yesterday as I was making a cup of tea, the bottom fell off my cup and all the very hot water landed on my one knee.  And you all know how that turns out.  Still it no longer hurts and I am really lucky I was wearing a cotton dress.  I have some bandages covering the worst of it so all is good.

I am going into the city for the afternoon to get some long put off warranty work done on my car.  So if anyone wants to come pick me up to go for coffee, please save me from myself.  I will be at Sherwood
Honda from 1 p.m. on.  I have books on my phone, I have ear buds, I have a sock to work on if I can, so one way or another, I will survive.

I dream of knitting all the fall things, but I will tell you about that tomorrow.

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