Monday 19 June 2023


It was a hard weekend too.  Midknit Cravings and my favourite fabric store online had sales on things I particularly loved.  

Midknit Cravings had stock on hand for fifteen percent off and there are so many colours that it was very hard to resist.  I stayed strong though.  I have so many many good yarns on hand including more of their yarns besides the delicious Pesto Comfort Sport, that I need to knit.  It pretty much killed me to miss some of those stunning colourways.  

And then Fabricville.  They had linens on sale at up to forty percent off.  The ones at the forty percent were rayon blends but it took the price of other lovely linen down to a level where I seriously thought about buying. 

This morning when I got up, I felt strong and safe, knowing  that the sales were both done. And then I checked my email.  

Fabricville had one line of linen on their Buy One, Get Two Free page.  That means a whole dress or top or pants for the price of one meter.  I caved and am very pleased.  I got several colours and am thrilled.  And now I just have to figure out how I will use it.  

I played in the yarn today.  It was time for a good dig to make sure that all is well and clean and all the packages are sealed and fresh.  And they are.  

Going through yarn can be a very happy thing but it also can be sad.  Sad that it is all I have left to me of that life before and happy because I am rich in the things I love to do.  It isn't a fair trade but whoever said that life is fair.  I have troop of lovely little boys and and amazing granddaughter  and plenty of things to keep me busy and fulfilled.  

It is 10 years this summer since Brian is gone. I hate that he isn’t here and I still miss him with every breath I take but I will take what the world sees fit to give me and live with a deep profound sense of joy in all the things I do have.

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