Monday 19 June 2023

Dizzy weekend.

It was a mixed up, dizzy sort of weekend.  

F1 was at Canada in Montreal this weekend, so qualifying and the race was midday.  It was great because I didn't have to wake early or otherwise try to fit my schedule around it, but that meant that the usual daily routine was untethered to normal.  That is a good thing once in a while.  Keeps you on your toes.

That sort of unsettled showed up in my knitting too.  

First thing I completed were the sleeves on Marcus' sweater.  

Only pockets and the neckband still to knit so I am getting very close to a completed project.  I wasn't ready to start on the pockets.  That will take a bit of thought and race time is not when to knit something that needs thinking.

I picked up the perfect race knitting.  The always brilliant seventh Sock Monkey Cabin Blanket .  

This seventh is for Amy's sister and it is somewhere between a third and a half complete.  As I said, seventh one of these and still a really great knit. Looking at it warms the cockles of my heart.  Blankets are a large thing though and I did find it a bit heavy to work on, so I switched to socks.  

These are the only plain socks that are on the go at the moment.  All the other pairs have some patterning happening and a plain pair is best when your mind has two things to track.  It felt very odd to knit with the little needles.  It has been a good long while since I worked on socks.  Too long.

And when the race was done (It was a really great race) I worked on my sweater with the stunning Pesto colourway from Midknit Cravings.  

It is long enough under the sleeves that it is ready for a try on. That will happen tomorrow though.  

The freezer needs to be sorted through to see what is all in there and while I am at it, I might as well clean the fridge too.  The freezer seems to always be full yet we are often out of the stuff we usually eat.  I suspect it has to do with last summers produce.  There are some cherries from last year that deserve to be eaten so I will make a cherry grunt or cobbler, or possibly a cherry pie.  I can see the cherry tree outside and there are a myriad of cherries growing and filling in for this years harvest.  I want to do better at harvesting them and preserving them for winter.  I hate such a tasty resource go to waste.  Cleaning and sorting the freezer is a big part of getting ready for harvest.  

There will probably be some knitting too, but I really want to get this chore out of the way so I can play the whole rest of the week.  Time to get on the move.

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