Wednesday 21 June 2023

A Rare Finished Object.

This morning, I had the choice to sew or knit.  I chose to knit.

I finished the knitting on Marcus sweater.  There are still a myriad of ends to weave in and the sides to sew up but the knitting is complete.  I can finish the last bits evenings watching movies.

I completed the neckband only moments ago.  I wanted to show how I made the pockets.  At first I thought I would knit two ordinary pockets but the more I thought about that, the more I wasn't happy with it.  I ended up making a bunny hug type pouch that went from the top of the slits down to the start of the ribbing.  I picked up stitches across the 'M' and picked up along the pocket opening sides each row

and then as I went down below the pocket opening, just picked up in the same row all the rest of the way down.  Along the bottom, I picked up and bound off the pocket lining with first row of ribbed stitches.  It looks very tidy and neat. 

I haven't quite sorted out how I am going to figure out how to crisp up the blue side of the M along the pocket opening.  It rolls a bit so it could use either a pick up and knit row or a quick row of crochet to beef it up.  

I am pretty pleased with the way the whole project worked out and I only hope Marcus likes it as much as I liked knitting it.

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