Thursday 9 December 2021


Nailed it.

I am so happy to see these pretty things.  So many memories attached.  There is the tiny unicorn bought at a San Fransico chain store, with its golden horn and its dainty red bow.  And the four glass ornaments, creche, tree, boot and angel, bought at Grybas Drugs forever ago.  They were on our first tree as a couple and they have been there every year.  And birds with their feather Tails, reminders of ones my mom had when I was young.  And the beads.  I have beads on my tree over a garland of tinsel.  On a bigger tree and as a cild there were both, but this tree really only can handle one.  

I still could put my icicles on, but we shall see how the day goes.  I have the bead tree to bring out and do any needed restoration, and some music boxes to put in by hall book case so the kids can play the single song that I seem to have.  

But today, most exciting, I get to knit.  And stuff.  And see if I can't get some Monkey's together.  

And laundry.  There is always laundry.

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