Monday 8 November 2021

A Quickie

Just when you thought there would be only monkeys for the next few weeks, these popped out from a skein of random Kureyon (231) that appeared from the bottom of the sock project bag.  I swear it was just sitting there and jumped onto the needles while I sipped my 10 a.m. coffee.

I go in streaks with my nighttime wrist warmers.  Sometimes I love the long ones that go half way down to my elbow and sometimes this kind of shortie wins.

No pattern for these, just cast on enough to go around your hand or wrist, add stitches for your thumb and cast off when appropriate.  Knit in a twisted stitch 1 x 1 rib.  It makes a nice firm fabric that holds its shape and keeps your pulse point warm.

It was a heavy housekeeping sort of day so that all my chores were done and I could sit and sew the rest of the week.  That is not going to be the way the week goes.  After Wednesday all bets are off.  It's a mystery.

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