Monday 30 August 2021

Desultory knitting but the results are good.  I had hoped to get this into the done pile before Stash Dash's end on the 28th but no go.  I just could not.  

Cassis loves it and it looks fantastic.

And yup, mid length sleeves.  It won't be long before it is done, once I get there.

The kids are with me for one last sleepover before school.  They go home for good tomorrow and I am going to miss their sweet little hearts and putting them to bed and having serious conversations about stuffies and good friends and all the things that little boys need to talk  about, and about hair and style and all the things girls just starting to get into such things think about.  My wee sweet thing is becoming an idependant young woman and it is happening so very fast.

The kids and I are doing a major take apart and put session before they go home tomorrow.  They have left bits of clothes and sweaters and it is time to gather them all up along with the yoyo, the hat, the extra stuffies living in the cracks by the walls and every mask we can find.  The beds need to come apart and be taken down and washed.  

And when everyone is gone back to their usual routines again, grandma has a few things like a big stash dig, to make sure our friendly little moths have not made any incursions.  I am a little late on that this summer, but kids.  A  good clean is due for the whole house too so I don't expect a lot of knitting content this week.  

But after that, look out.  Marcus has asked for fingerless gloves and he wants them in red yarn.  I know I have many reds, but for kids things I really prefer a superwash.  Do I have a red sock yarn that I do not already have a use for?   Cassies sweater is due to be finished early as is their momma's cowl and wrist warmers so this little request just gets added to the pile.  These are all rushes as well as the sewing Cassie wanted done.  

So lots to keep me going to the end of September if I push hard.  I have my own few things to start too, warm winter pants to sew and cozy sweaters in homey camfortable warm yarns.  I love fall and all the knitting that just naturally seems to happen. 

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