Tuesday 25 May 2021

Back to Responsible

I let myself do something different this weekend and I did it for the whole weekend, including most of Friday.  It was lovely and it was exactly the sort of mind break I needed.  

I pulled out my single WIP bin (the other two are now joined by a top.  The project needs some refining and I will show it off when it is complete.)  and took out a project that surprises me somewhat.  

I am still not a hundred percent sure what it is.  I am getting closer to understanding what will work for this oh so soft and almost delicate yarn but I am not quite there yet.  I think it will be a cross between Rosaline from Berocco and Arvingen by Pia Herno.  I love the bottom shape of the Rosaline but the way the Arvingen is after the split for the short lower arm is a bit nicer.  

If you look at the far right side of this picture you can see the start point on Saturday morning.  I forgot to move it for Friday's knitting, but I am pleased with how far along it came over the past few days.  

The yarn is Phil Light, a delicate fairy of a yarn.  It is just completely soft and airy and is a wonderful replacement for mohair if you like the fuzziness and cozy feel mohair gives, without the mohair.  

I recovered the yarn from another project and when I restarted this sweater, I was knitting a lot of round yoke sweaters so I started like that.  The other thing that has inpsired me along the way is the Shakerag Top, Modern Daily Knitting's Field Guide No. 6 tour de force garment.  You can kind of see what I am doing here.

Let's try that again.

A weird shot but you can start to really see the difference between the single strand and the double.  This is completely inprired by the Shakerag, of which there will be more!

It is time to get back to those other things.  First up the shawl.  I am going to need more yarn.  No way around it now.  I was so sure there was lots.  More fool me.  And there is the Marcus inspired Friesland to do a little of as well.  I knit a few rows a day on this.  My goal is one a month.

And then the sewing.  I have sewn so I have enough pants for my immediate needs.  It is lovely, but I am still wearing tshirts or on really cold days, sweaters.  It is fine of course but but I am so sick of t shirts having worn them almost everyday of the last nine years.  Utterly, completly sick of them.  I want shirts, and interesting tops and fabrics and colours and joy.  Sewing will happen.  Must happen.  For sanitys sake.

It really is not any different than camping, when you go out and live in the bush for a long weekend and then have to go back to your routine things.  That was a holiday.  Now it is back to a little more responsible work.  But it is all still a lot of fun.  

in spain

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