Monday 23 November 2020


I'm getting down to posting late today, but it has been a very busy morning.  I've usually done my post by now and I am off to knitting and my second cup of coffee.  

I was talking about reading last week, and my large library of books.  Most of my reading is done via audio book these days.  I love audio because I can read and knit at the same time.  I have tried  regular reading and knitting but that doesn't work well for me because of my long standing visual issues.  I need a book, tablet, newpapers, held close to me  so that the little letters stay still enough to read them with any semblance of ease.  The farther away something is, the more the letters seem to dance, which leads to eye strain and a further loss of clarity till I simply can't focus close enough to read. Reading, be it tablet, newspapaers, ebook or real printed book that is done by me these days is done close to my face with my glasses off.  And that presents its challenges.  

Sitting straight on the sofa and holding a book is awkward and is a strain on my already well worked wrists.  I don't do well in recliners. Recliners are too tall to get in and out of comfportably and there is a center of mass probelm that made it difficult to operate the one that did fit me.  I did try reading at my kitchen table as my grandmother used to do, but it just wasn't a good solution for me.  

Anyway to make a long story short, I have wished very seriously for one of those cool beds where the head and feet can raise and lower.  My mother in law had a hopital bed and I seriously thought of asking if I could buy it from her estate but that felt unseemly.  I do believe it was in use by my father in law anyway.  But I have long wished for one, just so I could raise and lower at will. 

I admit that back then, it was the raising the head of the bed to sitting that was the attraction but as I have aged, it is raising my feet that really makes a difference in life.  I have a wedge of an old mattress section tucked under the lowest part of my current mattress to raise my feet by six inches.  Doing so has completely cleared up long standing back pain.  The wedge is not the best solution though.  It causes things to slip and slide no matter what anti slip you have between parts.  It makes sheets pop off in the middle of the night, even with the handy corner elastic things. It means getting into bed with a higher foot level is awkward and weird and some days, difficult.  Still, I lived with it to keep my back feeling good.  But I coveted a fancy bed frame that could do it all for me.

Last week, I went wandering (on the internet, of course) to a reputable sleep store, and you know what?  The lowest price base wasn't that pricey. I was actually surprised.

So, that is what I have been doing this morning.  Wangling a fancy shmancy new bedframe and mattress.  Sleep Country Canada gave me a discount over and above the web prices, and I found I could afford the bedframe a step up from the base model.  It is a frame that is almost pretty in comparison but the most significant different feature is a wireless remote plus you can set the bedframe up at many different heights.  

So, that has been my morning.  I have a big day ahead.  I am planning on sewing and doing some goodly amount of knitting. Along with that, I shall have to do a lot of work, practising being decandent.   

Maybe I should knit lace?

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