Friday 21 August 2020

Lace and Angst and Gving it One More Go

Well here we are, totally defeated by this lace.  I am going to give it one more go a bit later this afternoon but if that doesn't work, I am going to set this lovely variation aside.  What makes this one so challenging is the way the decreases are handled, in a stack and happening on every row.  It is quite unusual but it creates this really stirking design.  I found that even as I was knitting on my sample, I kept thinking of corners as separate from the pattern.  That is not what I envisioned yesterday morning, and that is why I am going to give it one more go.  

I have time too. I know exactly how far a skein of this yarn will go around my center, and that is not quite far enough.  Not quite far enough means just under two sides short.  I know that that could vary with a different lace pattern, but I don't think it would vary enough to gain me two whole sides.  Plus, that is just the first colour.  Once I am on the third of the three colours where I have only 1 ball, I would need more yarn anyway.  

So I sat down and ordered another ball of each and an extra of the white.  I also took the time to order another cone of black Harriville Shetland and a cone of the midnight blue too.  Both of these are great colours that will be the base to use up the ends that I will have from all the other cones I have of Shtland, a sort of one colour to bring them all together if you will.  

The only other thing I am doing today is cleaning my room and then a bit later, baking some cookies.  I will be having shiny happy little people come for a visit later so I need to fill a cookie jar.  Last time Marcus visited, he went to the cookie jar and took a look.  It was empty and he was just a little sad.  I only redeemed myself because Uncle Keith had thought to pick up popsicles.  Popsicles are Marucs' favourite hot weather treat, so grandma just slid by on Uncle Keith's coattails.  I am not sure he will let me get away with it twice.   I can' wait till my other shiny little people to come for a weekend visit to grandma's house too.  Anyway, I have some grandmothering to do. Best get to it.


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