Thursday 20 August 2020

The continuing Story of la Lace.

I spent time working on lace yesterday because that is what is bugging me.  I did dig out a sewing pattern and I did check the instructions, but I kept going back to lace.  Seriously, I am having a difficult time getting it out of my mind.  Even a shortage of pants isn't getting rid of the problem of the lace.  The lace isn't working around the corners no matter what I try and I am stuck.  Oddly enough, I am enjoying the lace and knitting it is very rewarding, when it works,  but I hate being stuck.

I spent the day looking at other lace patterns that have a similar offset between increases and  decreases and how they adapt on corners.  I looked all my books and looked at patterns online and just did not have a lot of luck finding something that would give me clarity and resolve the corner trouble.

Middafternoon I began to realize that what I needed was to swatch  and rip and tear back and reknit and just keep trying till I got it all sorted.  So I grabbed some ayrn that was near and sutiable and sturdy, and began a swatch.  And wouldn't you know it.  I had another idea that is so crazy it just might work.  It isn't so far from what I was doing and yet it is radically different.  Previously, I was thinking of the corners as something I worked up to, then knit the corner and then repeat down the other sides.  Now I am thinking that a repeat must be the corner.    

I am knitting a swatch big enough for a couple repeats down each side and a growing repeat on the corners. Who knows what will happen.  Not me, not at all.  But I have hope.

There would be photos here, but blogger isn't wanting to allow uploads easily this morning.  maybe later if I get time to check back.

In spain

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