Monday 24 August 2020

A Different Direction

After all the lace Angst last week, I found I just could not face it anymore.  Plus with my younglings here, there really was no time.  I needed something a bit easier to do.  

I started Drachenfels, a design by Melanie Berg just as the Stash Dash started.  The yarn literally fell out of the cabinet.  Obviously time to use it.  I had Drachenfels marked for this yarn for a good long while, but I never really looked that closely at the numbers.  I have plenty of yarn, but not the three specified amounts that the pattern required.  But I loved a couple pretty big things about it that made me pick the pattern anyway.  

Drechenfels has a shape that I really like.  The elongated almost a shallow triangle is eminently wearable for how and when I will wear shawls.  And I loved, deeply adored, the little spotted part of the design.  Seriously, who would not love this.  

I have been down the little dotted road before.  The road of little dots leads to great satisfaction over the log haul.  

I voted for satisfaction over getting a picture perfect copy of Drachenfels and just began.

My yarn amounts look like this.  It is a perfctly fine 1075 metres of yarn of which I have three balls of black, two of red, and one of the soft grey.

The plan is that most of it will be a play of will my lines of colour end sooner than the original colours  did.  I am keeping the grey as the pattern does.  Maybe.  I might have to change out the number of sections of my pretty dots, and start the striping a bit earler.  It is going to be a bit of a dance to find the right balance at the end, I think.  I would like to have a good strong section of red that could feature  the dotted section done in black and i would like to finish off the whole with a strong black edge.  I doubt that I will have enough black yarn to do the patterns i cord edging, but still. 

It's been pleasant to play with this today.  Joyous even.  I am going to give it today and then, I think I will finish up the pretty purple so I can start with Olga's warm swater for popping on to slip outside.  

And then I will knit more for me.  There is a lovely Elton to go back to and a Threipmur, a  little popover and a Myrtle.  So much good stuff to knit.  It is a lovely bunch of things to have to look forward to.

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