Friday 27 March 2020

Bored of the Blue Top?

Bored of the blue top?  Me too.  Today I will do something different.  I am not sure what, but it will be different.

One of the options is this delicate thing.  This could be a really important part of my future wardrobe, particularly when I travel.  It squishes up to absolute nothing and pops out of storage with nary a crease. I haven't been knitting on it because I have to go back a few rows.  I lost my place with increases and one side of one sleeve, is short two sets of increases.  

The yarn is lovely to work with.  I found my mind straying to the possibility of purchasing more as I worked with it, but it is a hard thing to find here.  I could special order but that would mean I would need a full bag, and 10 balls of it is way too many.  I am kind of looking forward to this pretty little summer sweater.

Or maybe I will work on this.

The lava flows have been done for a couple weeks and I am not sure what to start next.  Or how.  When Marcus was here last he told me I had to get the bubbles of lava just right, so i am not sure of my plan using Shasiko style work is the way to go.  I am starting to think that a mass of french knots
would be the thing but with those, there is no way to show the movement his drawing has.  So I am stalled and thinking on it.  But maybe today.

Or maybe this.

This is probably the best picture I have of the green jacket.  It is plain, but will have a massive ribbed edge that is all the show the jacket will need.  I aimed and utterly failed at getting it done for this past winter.  So next year...  But there might be a few stitches done on it today.  Maybe one day, I will open the box, look at it and magically, it will be done.

Today I will do something different.  I am not sure what, but it will be different. I already started some rye bread this morning and that is different than my usual whole wheat.  So you never know.  Different may be the thing de jour.

Maybe.  I seem to be making a compelling argument in my head that if I tough it out and just keep knitting on the blue top, it will be completed sooner. 

This is just not like me and could be the first sign of dementia.  Or cabin fever.

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