Tuesday 21 January 2020

A Second Cup of Coffee

I was going to write after I had a good long shower and after my first cup of coffee, but the evil gods of household chores defeated me.  I forgot to toss my load of towels in the dryer last night.  I have to wait so I shall fill in this hole in my day with writing. 

I'm going to wear a lovely little shawl, which was buried in my sweater chest since forever, my version of the Shaelyn shawl.  This was such a nice pattern to knit.  There will probably be another shortly.  Maybe come springtime when small shawls are on my mind.

The poor thing has never been properly blocked though I have worn it once or twice before.  It is a lovely combination of two very different yarns that were perfect colour matches for each other, Noro Taiyo Sock and Ancient Arts Socknado.  The photo doesn't make it appear that way, but they look wonderful together, such a shifting range of glorious blues.  Try here to see them more accurately.

I am going to get back to working on my converted wrap sweater today.  I hope to finish the bottom ribbing, and possibly get a start on the bit of sleeve ribbing needed. 

There are a bunch of household chores that need tending, like a good fridge clean out.  It is a good day for it before we restock the fresh veggies we like to keep on hand. It is probably time to tend to the floors again too. I feel a bit like an old Gordon Lightfoot tune, ' I'm on my second cup of coffee and I still can't face the day'

As much as I plan for knitting, we shall see.

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