Wednesday 13 November 2019

Reasonably well done.

It wasn't hard and using that roll method to put the stuffing in place in the "bag" wasn't difficult at all.  It is such a sensible process to get something into a large fabric bag.  Laying things together is the only step where you need to take care.  If you can get everything laying just right, square cornered, it is going to work out.  Last time, I mentioned tacking the batts to the blanket at the top corners, but this time I didn't.  It just wasn't needed.

There is a lot of work to be done on it though.  One side needs sewing closed and another needs redoing to fit the bats a bit better.  I will do that by hand after some of the knotting is done.  I have to get the batts firmly in place before the whole thing is handled too much.

I cannot do that till next week though.  There just is not enough room with the kids  and toys and stuff.   To say nothing of the pile of my stuff which was already threatening to eat the love seat and chair.

I will work on that quick sweater just to get that one out of the way, and then will address my green coat.  Funny how my poor green coat gets shunted aside so easily when I really do need it.

Need versus want.  Ever the epic battle.

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