Thursday 2 May 2019

This morning I woke with a craving for an egg salad sandwich.  It's been coming on for a while, this craving.  It usually gets resolved at Easter, but with me going to visit family in Saskatoon, and no one doing eggs there, I missed eggs and the usual spring feed of egg salad sandwiches.  They were delicious.

Today I have  a few errands to get done, and then I will be ready for the garage sale on Saturday, but that is the only thing I need to do.  I might be able to sneak in a bit of knitting!

I may yet get this top done.  

The other thing that is weirding my week is that I did pull back a bunch of yarn from the sale, but the vast majority of it is one brand of yarn. Knit Picks Palette.  There still is lots of yarn left for anyone to find.  I have a rather large stash of it that I originally bought to do colourwork.  I do like the yarn, but I don't knit a lot of mittens and hats or other small projects beyond socks, and this yarn isn't really a good sock yarn.  Not in my washer and dryer for socks house  anyway. So why pull it back?

Well, I mentioned that I am going to be working on my miniature house garden. That miniature house is going to need many shades of green and blues and pops of other colours.  In Palette, I already have that, and it just doesn't make much sense to get rid of it while I have such an imminent use for it.  Well, next winter anyway.  I would like to get the house done in the next year and I don't really see anything stopping that.  Well, other than the usual way life works.  The materials are more or less assembled, and I have sorted out some of the small issues like how do I get down that low (I don't.  I raise the house up) and what rooms will I have (I only have three floors plus a garden in a drawer).  But it is ready to go and I am ready to knit and make small weird things.  

Time to get moving on the day.  

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