Monday 6 May 2019

And Done

The town wide garage sale is done for another year and I am so pleased that almost everything I had up for sale is gone.  There remains a small bit of yarn that needs to be tucked back into the stash and some decorative items that didn't go that are now destined for the Sally Ann or somewhere similar.  Someone will love them.  All the things that really were in the way here are gone and that is the best part of all.  My earnings were enough to cover the cost of a  bobbin winder that will be useful for weaving as well as for spinning.  Thank you so very much to the knitter's who lightened my stash and freed up some space!

This morning, I put on the good coffee and am now sipping quite contentedly.  I am trying to decide what to do this morning.  There is a list.

1. To clean up the corners that were disturbed while I was digging out all the sale stuff.  

2. To sew some summer tops

3. To knit some summer tops.

4. To work on my cabinet or miniature house.

5.  To weave.

6. To spin.

No need to guess what I would do first.  

Fooled you.  I m going to be all responsible and I am going to clean the corners.  You have no idea how much it irks me to say this, to be so adulty and all but yup this is what I am going to do.  

I have two things to find so I can get them to the lady who bought the quilt frame and my living room and spare room are torn apart so badly I cannot use them in the normal ways I use them.  The guest bed is covered with stuff that belongs in the closet and my livingroom is awash with bits and pieces of getting the sale together.  It is beyond even my tolerance for untidy.  

I am thinking a good mornings effort ought to put things right and then I can knit the rest of the day away quite happily.  There might even be pictures on a post tomorrow! 

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