Wednesday 8 May 2019

A Perfect Day

I did a lot of knitting yesterday.  A lot. 

Each morning I have been moving the second marker to track how much I have actually done in a day.  It sometimes keeps me engaged with a lng project when everything else fails.  You can see just how much in the very wide swath done yesterday in comparison with the day before.  Except in this instance, the photographic evidence is lying.

What you see here is the last major section of the sweter, a short row section done across the back half of the sweater.  All you can see is that back half of the sweater.  Maybe a sin of omission?  I did knit about half an inch before moving on to knit the short row section though, but it was still a good day of knitting.

The really great part of this is that with this short row stuff done, there are only a few rows around the whole garment before the edging commences.  So, I am getting very very close to my goal of completing this by the weeks end.

You know what the other cool part of this is?  I have just started the third skein of grey.  Very little of it will be used.  That means I have two balls of  grey, plus a generous portion of a third, as well as significant remainders of the white, the the light blue and the dark denim blue.  I am going to get at least one more top out of this lovely yarn, possibly two!  Depending on their construction of course.

It's going to be a grand day.


The rain

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