Monday 25 February 2019

More socks this weekend.  The kids came to stay while mommy and daddy were at a wedding away from home and overnight. This morning I managed to get both socks to the same place, the middle of the short row heel.   

I am going to get to the end of the heels before I put these down for the day so that they are ready for my upcoming work days.  And for anyone who is interested in the saga of the Strathcona County Library, the company says they will be done and out of the building by the end of  March.  I am not 100 percent sure how long that means for my daughter in laws work days, but I know we are on the down side of things now.

I see round me a trove of winter plans undone.  I am trying not to think of things that way because who is to say I would have gotten them all done anyway.  Or any of them.  Life happens and I have been incredibly lucky to spend more time with Cassie and Marcus than usual.  But, I do want to prioritize a few things that simply must be done and make some progress on the big projects.  I have fleeces to card.  I still have some to wash.  I have a loom that needs to be warped if I ever plan to make the towels, and I do plan to make the towels.  And dishcloths.  I am in need of dishcloths. Again.  And spinning.  I have so much fibre to spin and I was just on the verge of learning some very very cool things.     

But mostly, I had some plans for projects to knit that have not been started.  I did have Kate Davies Myrtle in mind for some of the wool  that came home with me from last summer's adventures.  I have the pattern in hand and really just need to do a bit of maths and swatching before I begin.

And that long list of dreamy things to knit in yarns I adore just waiting in the wings.   Right now, I am trying to be good and finish some of the WIPs I have on hand because if I am truthful, there is no room in my three spacious Bosnas storage footstools for anything else. 

To that end, once the sock heels are done, I am going to see if I can't get the First Point of Libra Shawl finished today.  There are just a few rows of garter stitch to complete and it would be so lovely to wear flung carelessly about my neck.  I have visions of me standing, shawl wrapped around me, with my hair flowing carelessly in the soft breeze as I look off into the uncharted distance.  Come on.  Admit it.  We all do this.  Right?  ...

Okay, maybe it is just me, but the silliness of it makes me smile and that is not a sorry way for a vision to clash with reality at all.

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