Wednesday 13 February 2019

Just socking along today.  Possibly been knitting socks a little too long because for the first time ever my brain is feeling that my socks are just a tad boring.  I was just at the perfect spot for a heel when I first had that thought so I ran a little I interference and did a heel.  

It sèemed to help me focus and the sock is now ready for its simple cuff.  

What I really want to be knitting is Hun.  I have today and tomorrow morning here and then a whole lovely weekend to knit before it starts all over over again.  This week and next plus the one after that are the heaviest in the cycle and it gets better after that.  But pretty soon there wiĺl me just me and my knitting .  EVEN THIS shall come to an end.  Till then I will make socks and be glad of them when they are done.

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