Tuesday 15 January 2019

And so on

That did not work out the way I planned.  I thought that there would be a nice weekend of regular knitting.  I had planned 2 marathon sessions of knitting and I hoped to be almost finished on the turtleneck sweater.  It did not go like I hoped.  It was my father in law's 95 birthday and they were having a bit of a get together for him.  Chez Needles did not hear about it in time to free ourselves from the temp job and from other jobs some of us do on Sundays and it meant much more for Anthony to be there for his grandpa, so he and Keith stood in for all of us.  

And that meant that this grandma was babysitting.  It got a little long.  By the end, I was having trouble dealing with the movement and the noise of kids.  These are some really good kids.  They don't get into trouble and they don't do things if you tell them not to, but they are kids and they do everything joyfully and with noise!  

Even this photo shoot, which you would think would be relatively quiet, was filled with a lot of giggling and tons of noise and screaming.  Marcus took a series of shots of Cassie with my camera that are just exquisite, when grandma was knitting. 

Don't forget, the ever intrepid photographer,  Marcus is only 4.  The only rule grandma has with her camera is that you have to have the strap on your wrist at all times.    

As much fun as they had, after 3 days, the kids needed home and normal too.  After four days even more so, but this, more or less ended up being five days in a row.  

Now, where was I?  Ah yes.  The turtleneck sweater.  Sleeve one is complete.  

And sleeve two is almost all picked up.

There is that thing where you do have to remember exactly how many stitches you have on front and back of sleeve one so you can match it on sleeve two, but I have got it written down somewhere.  The real trick is actually repeating that same number of stitches.  This is infinitely harder to do.  

Try, try, try again.  It would help a lot if I could find my Addi Click Lace needle case, so I could pick it up on smaller tips and then just change tips to the correct size once that was done.  Dpns looks uglier than it is to do, but it is fussy and not at all something I could do with kids around.  I tried.

So, rather than having a more complete sweater, I have a more complete sock and that isn't a bad thing.  Plus...

Well, once again, this very interesting sock deserves its own post.

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