Friday, 9 November 2018

Party on

I'm still not feeling very good and tomorrow is the tenth day.  What was that about cold viruses being gone in 10 days?  I'm still headachey and feel like life is in slow motion and I don't care enough to go out and grab it.  Maybe after my coffee? (Yes, the coffee did work on the headache.  Guess I have to cold turkey coffee again.  sigh)

I did start working on the Pup Badge for Marcus sweater.  I didn't get as far as I hoped but I can tell that a good day or two and it will be done.  The only limitations are my eyes and the light.  It needs to be worked on in the full light of day, that is certain. 

So, there will be some knitting but you know what I really feel like?  A good dive in my stash.

I love my stash.  I love these beauties and I love the plain stuff too.  I love the crispy, crunchy stuff and the softest cashmere stuff.  I love the handspun and the millspun and the giant commercial entity spun. I love the commercial dyes and the hand dyes. I love the thin stuff and the bulky stuff and everything in between.  It makes me feel like I have something to knit on for.  I will knit on, do on, work on, just for the chance to play with these gorgeous things.

Just looking at pictures of pretty yarns is giving me the energy to go on this morning. On to all the little things that have fallen by the way side this last few days.  There is laundry.  Again.  Dishes.  As ever.  Sweeping the floors.  

Okay, I don't mind this last but when you have rugs, ignoring everything that falls to the floor is so much easier to ignore.  (I will never ever live with rugs again).  You never put floors on the ignore list with hard floors.  Everything just follows you, stuck to your socks. It sounds gruesome but here, what is stuck to your socks is threads from the sewing corner, tiny bundles of wool that pilled off sweaters and trimmings from whatever project you were knitting two weeks ago.  And the occasional grapevine bit from when the kids were here just before your cold and the odd cheerrio from the time they were here before that.  And that is after you ran around with your little wonder vacuum (but did not move your furniture. )

So lots of ordinary going on around here today.  But after lunch, when the general days chores are done...Party in the wool closet.  You are welcome to come play with me if you dare. 


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