Monday 10 September 2018

Scary but Exciting

This past weekend was very busy.  It was Marcus's fourth birthday.  That is such a big day when you are a little kid.  He is four now and he goes to school and he got the best presents for his birthday according to him. He just kept going back to everybody with big hugs.  He couldn't contain his joy.

Cassie's sweater is complete but for the zipper.   I m so very pleased with the way it worked out.  As I started the first sleeve, magic happened and the colour began at exactly the right place to perfectly match the yoke.  With all the perfection going on, I had to do a little bit of work to find the right place for sleeve two, but I think it worked.

Somewhere here, there are a couple of separating zippers.  I want to see if any of those will work for this sweater.  I have my doubts but if not, I have a stop at the fabric store tomorrow ought to sort that out.

Once that was done, I grabbed other knitting.  Though this sweater is not anything I want urgently, I am really enjoying the knitting.  I am being careful with it though.  When my hands get tired, I stop.

It is getting close to a try on point.  Up till now there wasn't enough bottom to see how the top was going to drape and hang.  There is no doubt that it will be large enough.  The fit problem here, could be that it is just too much, even for a throw on around the house on a pajama day sort of sweater.  My shoulders are relatively narrow in comparison to the rest of me, and knitting to fit hips is usually unwise. If there is trouble, it is going to be right at the underarms.

I have been thinking about what I will do if that is the case and I think I know.  It may be that it will have a  close association to my sewing machine to help narrow it at the shoulders.  It may be that I have to redo the sleeves, but it won't be more reknitting than that. 

Sometime today, I am going to grab the bull by the horns and give it a try on. It is always the scariest place in the sweater knitting process, but also the most exciting.  That is me today.  A little bit excited and a little bit scared.

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