Thursday 20 September 2018

A Chase Colour

Yesterday did not go quite like I planned.

That could be the opening line of every single blog post I ever make if I keep making plans.  I do make plans for every day.  I think that is part of what keeps me right in the world.  But if it doesn't happen, I usually have no one to chide me.   I am just not going to write down my plans anymore unless of course, it helps me actually get things done.  In the case of trying to dye fibre, writing out the pan helped make it real.

There was dye solution or dye liquor as it is more properly called, happening.

Forgive the fuzzy photo.  I have three pictures of this, all bad.

There was a dye bath.

There is about 500 grams of fibre in this bath, the vest as just over 400 grams and 100 grams of sock yarn. I wound a whole skein of  Lion Brand Sock-Ease onto my niddy noddy to make nice loose hank of yarn for the main colour of Marcus's Paw Patrol sweater.  

When I went to bed last night, the vat was still a little warm.  I wanted it to be completely cool before I rinsed, so this mornings job is just that.  Rinsing.  


As you can see here, the dye bath looks pretty much exhausted.  The water looks clear and clean and the yarn looks pretty blue. Perfectly Chase  police blue for those of you who know Paw Patrol, 1980s Mother in law blue for those of you who don't.  

I will be rinsing this pretty carefully and thoroughly.  I want this little sweater to be machine washable and easy care because I know the end user won't want to take it off.  I am considering a citric acid soak, but first I have to search for some citric acid.  I'm pretty sure I will find some locally.  It used to be available in drug stores in the same place where you could find alum and other weird household chemicals. 

So that was yesterdays adventures.  It was kind of stressful and kind of fun.  The goal for today is to start some of the other colours needed for this sweater:  olive, pink, bright green, yellow, red, orange and aquamarine.   It's a lot of colour in small amounts!

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