Friday 8 December 2017

Birdy days

I hab a code

But it is going to be a long day.  I have babysitting first at one house and then the other.  I always think back to how often I dumped my kids on my folks and how generous they were with their time.  How tired they must have been. Still, many grandparents don't get to see so much of their kiddies as I do and I really am glad to help.

I did not get as far as I had hoped before today.  I hoped to have two towels done and I only have one complete.  Well almost.

It seems I forgot a wing.

It was kind of a plan that his wing be a maple leaf and that on the other birdies wing there be another tryzub (trident) .  Those little emblems floating in the sky took much longer than I thought they would. They need a something in the wings or it looks empty, so I will do a something.    

Today, the plan is to just get by with the kids though.  Not sure that I have energy for much more.  But there it is.  It won't kill me, and I do love spending time with my little ones.  Puts shoulders back.  Off I go.    


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