Wednesday 30 August 2017

Deja Vu

The shawl is what I am working on, but there is almost always a little something else.  The shawl looks like a slightly larger triangle than its debut post on the blog.  It's garter stitch and at this point, is not really all that interesting.  Don't get me wrong, it is fun to knit, but a triangle is a triangle.  It will soon be on its way to being a square though.  I am close to the end of the first skein.  

That little something else might give you a sense of deja vu, but that is ok. 


It is that you have seen Cassie's socks, which are similar.  


It is in fact, a completely different.  These are socks for Marcus.  His foot takes 11 stitches and is a different length than Cassie's and with the different cuff, I am hoping mom can tell them apart.

We measured against Marcus' foot length the last time I babysat him and the first sock was complete shortly after that.  It's always funny because as much as Marcus is interested in what I am doing, and always want to help with my yarn, he really doesn't want to get too close to all those needles when I want to measure things.

He's is not quite three.  I can still trick him into it.

And that is it for today.  I have a bit of tidying to do so I am ready for a sleepover at Grandma's house (mommy and daddy are going to see Guns and Roses) and I have to catch up with my laundry.

Which only feels like deja vu, but is more of a do over.    

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