Tuesday 18 July 2017

Evolution, Revolution

The first of this pair of monsters socks is done but for the heel.  

And as you see the second well under way.

It's actually farther than this right now, about an inch and a half up the foot.  No second sock syndrome here.  That has always been a mystery to me.  That I never suffered second sock syndrome.  

I am pretty sure that is because while I knit, I dream of the next thing, in this case the next sock. I really need to get that bag of yarn down so I think it will be another pair of monsters, but maybe not.  There are always good things to dream and since sock dreaming is new to me, there is a lot of ground to cover.

I direct you to my Ravelry bundle called Feet.    According to feet, I dream of a lot of colourwork and some pretty heavily patterned things.  Some of those patterns will work really well for monsters and some not so much.  Some I will get to save for new yarn and fresh knitting.  Some are no longer available dreams, like the Willow pattern.  Some, like that lovely lovely bird sock, Bonnie Birds by Barb Brown, are going to be in some really really special yarn.  They might even be handwash! 

Shocking, I know, from a knitter who was determined to only have yarns that are machine washable.  Ah, but we evolve as knitters, don't we?  

I am going to slip out this morning and do a little spinning evolving.  I am going to ply.  In public.  Ok, just one public, and she is a good friend, but it has to be done.  

Facing fears and dreaming of knitting sock patterns.  Not just evolution, but revolution!

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