Tuesday 30 June 2015

I have one small problem that has been plaguing me this morning.  I have nothing much to write about.  I didn't knit at all yesterday.  And I am going to clean today and a little later my computer guy is coming over and I promised to cook for him in return.  It is also the first day in almost a week that it is cool enough to do things like laundry that add heat to a home.  So yeah.  Its time.  It's not that bad really, just the ordinary mess of one person who a spent the better part of a week under a very large quilt.

There will be quilting in the days ahead.  There will be knitting.,  There might even be spinning because the spinning wheels are moving to the living room to make space to sit and quilt.  They will go back on ce the quilt frame is down. 

Anyway, that is it for me today.  I will squeak a little knitting in somewhere through the day.  ?there is always time for a little knitting, somewhere. 

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