Monday 14 July 2014

Red Hot

It was a truly hot weekend and we have more in sight.  It wasn't great knitting weather, mostly because the heat sapped the will to do anything right out of me.

Still I sat out early in the morning sun, when the cool breezes were slipping across the deck, on Saturday morning and started with this.

 It looks a little odd, perhaps a little insect like in its early stages.  Large hunk o' knitting here and another there, connected by small isthmus of knitting.  Bridges of knitting joining islands.
This time, I started with Barbra Walker's top down simultaneous set in sleeve.  I can see a place for all the other ways of starting a top down sleeve, but I think this one is my number one.  It's fussier to work than the contiguous start, but I think, overall, it is the one that gives rock solid performance and wear and shaping every single time.  

There was knitting this weekend, but an awful lot of time was wasted because it was just too hot to move. Still, I am pleased at how far this has come along.

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